Skills ------ Before we get to the step by step guide on how to contribute to a web standard and to make that guide easier to follow, we’d like to step through an overview of the skills involved in working on web standards. The goal of this skills overview is to orient you in the guide so that you can see what skills you would be setting out to master if you choose to build a career in web standards. If you prefer to learn by doing, you can skip this skills overview and jump right into the :doc:`step by step guide `. You do not need to have all of these skills to start contributing to the web platform, but we have included this overview for those of you that would like a higher level learning map. These skills are extrapolated from internal retrospective documentation at Bocoup for a Mozilla funded project to `improve the interoperability of the fieldset element `__. Consensus Building ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The web platform is all about consensus. Consensus on the web platform involves getting many different people from many different groups to agree on a web technology specification. On any given change to the web platform, you can expect to talk to between 5 and 20 different people from 2-4 different companies and multiple standards groups (such as working groups or technical committees). All of the skills covered in this chapter contribute to your ability to build consensus across a large group of stakeholders. We build consensus by talking to people, collecting feedback, and modifying our solutions to meet their needs and requests. Every change to the web platform has its own nuanced needs for consensus. When working on a change to a web browser, for example, it is important to get feedback from the specification editor, a WPT maintainer, and from a person or people who would be implementing your change within each browser engineering team. Sometimes you’ll also need to make your case to the manager of the person who would be implementing your change in the browser engine to get the work prioritized. Figuring out who to talk to about what and when can be a difficult project in its own right for a beginner because a lot of this consensus work is done between people who already know each other, know what each other work on, and know who has power and influence over what technology areas in the web. This knowledge is a key part of changing the web. We’re working to make this a more transparent process through this guide, but it can still be opaque at times. Don’t feel bad if you get stuck. You can start by referring to the :doc:`who-to-talk-to` section of this guide. If you’re still stuck, you can email for an introduction. Research ~~~~~~~~ When starting out making a change to the web, whether it involves fixing a bug (very common and easier), or adding a feature (less common and harder), research is a key skill. For bug-fixing we start by looking into reproducing the bug. This means reading about the bug, and trying to make it happen again locally in your own web browser or web browsers. Looking at Data ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Research also involves modeling compatibility with the existing platform. For changes to web browsers, we model compatibility using the HTTP Archive, a database of twice-a-month crawls of the top 5,000,000 most visited websites consisting of those pages HTTP response bodies. We query this database to see how popular web pages use the web platform to understand how a technology is used. We use this data to reason about the risks to a browser for changing things in terms of how it will effect web page rendering for the people who use that browser. A user will change browsers if rendering on their favorite websites changes, or if a site they use stops working. Browser companies will not make a change if it causes a person to stop using that web browser. Another possibility to collecting data is to implement instrumentation in a web browser to measure how often a feature is used. For Chromium, this is called a "use counter"; Firefox calls this "telemetry". A benefit over HTTP Archive research is that it is able to reach effectively anything that users use, including when logged in to a site. A disadvantage is that it takes weeks or months before reliable data is available with this method. Soliciting Feedback ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We can also ask web developers (by survey, on twitter, in community forums) about their preferences. If you are working on an interoperability bug where different browsers treat the same piece of HTML or CSS code differently, then it’s a good idea to consider not only what the whole web is doing, but what web developers say they would ideally like to see happen. We can develop a solution to a web platform issue based on the data we look at and the feedback we collect from web developers. We then also seek feedback from spec authors and implementers on this solution. This is another level of research into "what do implementers and spec authors want" and also reinforces consensus. Consensus is constantly being negotiated between web developers, browser implementers and specification authors, and we use research to get at the raw material of this consensus. Imagining the Runtime ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of the most technically difficult things that we do when we write specifications is to reason about the underlying model and behavior of a feature-set that does not yet exist. It is our job to imagine the :term:`Runtime` and execution context, and then write down instructions for how to implement that :term:`Runtime` of our imagination. Depending on the feature, it is sometimes helpful to write down the behavior you are trying to specify in psuedo-code, actual "brainstorm code", or to implement the feature as a JavaScript program or in a web browser engine before proceeding. Spec writing ~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you want to fix a bug, change a behaviour, or add a new feature to the web, this involves writing specification prose. Specification prose includes English language descriptions of the technology. It is important to know that many of our biggest specifications are a work in progress. The HTML spec, for example has many under-specified sections, several sections that are in conflict with actual implementations, and `many many open issues `__. Where to write ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is often difficult to get started because these specifications are very long and take a while to get used to reading. Often the specification reference each other and themselves. After a few read-throughs of, for example, HTML, you’ll start to see patterns, and the short hand will become more legible. Don’t be discouraged if these documents look like foreign languages to you at first. They are! Writing specification prose is in principle similar to writing code. Think about writing a specification as though you are implementing it as a program. With today’s standards of spec writing, that is the level of fidelity you want from a specification. It is not enough to describe how something works, we need to precisely describe what needs to be done to implement it completely, including all edge cases and error handling. Knowing which spec to put the prose in can be difficult. When you start out, you won’t know the lay of the land for all of the specifications, and that is okay, you can still contribute meaningfully. It will take you a few years of participating before you have a "gut sense" of where to put things, but there a few good tricks to figure out what to do in the meantime. Quick tip: even after a career of working on the web platform, no one knows how everything works. Don’t try to know everything, it is not possible. It is a better idea to try and get comfortable with working on specific technical areas in the context of ambiguity. Nevertheless, there are some quick tips to help you figure out where to put spec prose when you’re getting started. Sometimes the right location will already be documented in an issue on :term:`GitHub`. You can search WHATWG and W3C working group issues with the github advanced search feature. If it is not in an issue, you can also use this search tool to look at source code of specification. Search for related features to what you want to specify, and put it near those related features. Alternatively, you can clone the specifications and use your code editor to search for the prose. It is also very acceptable to ask in the issue where to specify it. The decision about where to specify something ultimately impacts the maintainer(s) of the spec (people listed on specification as editors) most directly. It is important to make sure that the specification maintainer is comfortable maintaining the spec prose. You can figure this out by reading issues and discussion notes, or by asking them directly. There is usually no hard rule for where to put something, but we can use our intuition and specification search skill to figure this out. For example, if you have a CSS selector that you want to specify, a first candidate is the CSS WG Selectors spec. We want to use our searching skills to figure out where the issue is being talked about, and what the emergent consensus of where the technology is to be specified. Sometimes behavior gets specified in a completely different spec while it is being worked out. Maybe that person wanted to keep it in a different spec while they were iterating on the design of the feature until it was stable, so that once it was stable it can be put in its proper home. There are sometimes political reasons why things end up in the wrong place. Sometimes it is easier to put things in a specification that you maintain, or that is maintained by someone you are already talking to and working with, than to ask a new person to change their spec. How the tools work ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All of the specifications for technology on the web platform use a short hand (kind of like markdown) to make authoring and editing easier for specifications editors and maintainers. The repository for the specification at hand usually contains documentation about the tools necessary to generate the spec. These are command line tools that you will be installing to generate publishable specifications from the specification source that is version controlled on github. The whatwg/html uses the combination of these repositories for generating the HTML standard: `whatwg/wattsi `__ and `whatwg/html-build `__. The CSS WG and many other specifications use a tool called `Bikeshed `__. Each tool has its own markup style is for the specifications that use it. If you are working on specifications across these groups, you will unfortunately have to learn the syntax for each. Don’t worry, it is all well documented for you :D. Building blocks of a Spec ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We write specification prose in the following categories of language (the following examples are loosely based on the HTML standard’s `a element `__ and `hyperlink `__ definitions): Conformance Class ''''''''''''''''' A Conformance class is an implementation of a web standard that requirements can apply to. For example, web browsers (called 'user agents' in spec speak), web documents (authored by web developers), conformance checkers, validators, and authoring tools are all types of conformance classes. Requirements, notes, examples, and warnings can all target different conformance classes. For example, the following requirement about the ``href`` attribute’s value applies to the web document conformance class but not to the user agent conformance class: The ``href`` attribute on ``a`` and ``area`` elements must have a value that is a valid URL potentially surrounded by spaces. On the other hand, the following requirement describing how to parse the ``href`` attribute applies to the user agent conformance class, not to the web document conformance class: When a user follows a hyperlink created by an element subject, optionally with a hyperlink suffix, the user agent must run the following steps: … 9. Parse the URL given by subject's href attribute, relative to subject's node document. Note in particular that the requirement for web developers can be “stricter” than the possible syntaxes that will result in the same behavior in web browsers. This might be done to help web developers catch mistakes, or to allow for future extensions to the language, while at the same time ensuring compatibility with existing web content. This is common in HTML, but can be confusing at first. Requirement ''''''''''' A requirement is something that a particular conformance class (for example, document or user agent) needs to do to conform to the specification. For example: If the ``itemprop`` attribute is specified on an ``a`` element, then the ``href`` attribute must also be specified. This is a requirement for documents (to include the ``href`` attribute if ``itemprop`` is specified). This requirement does not say anything about what user agents have to do if this requirement were to be violated. There is no implicit relationship between requirements for one conformance class to requirements for another conformance class. Requirements typically use normative keywords like "must", "must not", "should", "should not", and "may". Algorithm ''''''''' An algorithm is a recipe for how to do something. Algorithms describe the flow of control through a complex system. For example: The activation behavior of ``a`` elements that create **hyperlinks** is to run the following steps: 1. If the target of the ``click`` event is an ``img`` element with an ``ismap`` attribute specified, then server-side image map processing must be performed, as follows: 1. Let *x* and *y* be zero. 2. If the ``click`` event was a real pointing-device-triggered ``click`` event on the ``img`` element, then set *x* to the distance in CSS pixels from the left edge of the image to the location of the click, and set *y* to the distance in CSS pixels from the top edge of the image to the location of the click. 3. If *x* is negative, set *x* to zero. 4. If *y* is negative, set *y* to zero. 5. Let *hyperlink suffix* be a U+003F QUESTION MARK character, the value of *x* expressed as a base-ten integer using ASCII digits, a U+002C COMMA character (,), and the value of *y* expressed as a base-ten integer using ASCII digits. 2. Follow the hyperlink or download the hyperlink created by the ``a`` element, as determined by the ``download`` attribute and any expressed user preference, passing *hyperlink suffix*, if the preceding steps defined it. In this example the HTML Standard is specifying the activation behavior algorithm. You can see how the definition for "hyperlink" is used here. The algorithm also references other definitions, such as "Follow the hyperlink", which is a separate algorithm. So that algorithm is invoked from this algorithm, similar to calling a function in programming. Algorithms in specifications are usually written to be clear and understandable, while an implementation might use a different algorithm that is optimized for performance, memory usage, or power consumption. If the end result is equivalent, then the implementation is conforming. Definition '''''''''' A definition is a specification shorthand for a longer piece of text, similar to the glossary of terms at the beginning of this guidebook. For example: Hyperlink: These are links to other resources that are generally exposed to the user by the user agent so that the user can cause the user agent to navigate to those resources, for example, to visit them in a browser or download them. In this example, the HTML standard is defining what a hyperlink is, so that it can be referenced later. Definitions in one specification can also be referenced by other specifications. It ought to be possible (in principle) to expand each reference with its definition without changing the meaning of the specification. For example: Let *hyperlink suffix* be a U+003F QUESTION MARK character, the value of *x* expressed as a base-ten integer using **ASCII digits**, a U+002C COMMA character (,), and the value of *y* expressed as a base-ten integer using **ASCII digits**. "ASCII digit" is defined as "a code point in the range U+0030 (0) to U+0039 (9), inclusive", so this is equivalent: Let *hyperlink suffix* be a U+003F QUESTION MARK character, the value of *x* expressed as a base-ten integer using **code points in the range U+0030 (0) to U+0039 (9), inclusive**, a U+002C COMMA character (,), and the value of *y* expressed as a base-ten integer using **code points in the range U+0030 (0) to U+0039 (9), inclusive**. Statement of Fact ''''''''''''''''' A statement of fact is a piece of prose that makes a claim about the state of things around has no requirements, but is useful as context. For example: The level of stress that a particular piece of content has is given by its number of ancestor em elements. In this example, the statement of fact helps explain the concept further by spelling out the implications of a requirement elsewhere in the specification. Example ''''''' An example is a block of prose which can help clarify a concept, or show how something can be used. For example: If the ``a`` element has an ``href`` attribute, then it represents a hyperlink (a hypertext anchor) labeled by its contents. If the ``a`` element has no ``href`` attribute, then the element represents a placeholder for where a link might otherwise have been placed, if it had been relevant, consisting of only the element's contents. Example: If a site uses a consistent navigation toolbar on every page, then the link that would normally link to the page itself could be marked up using an ``a`` element: .. code-block:: html First, the specification states what an ``a`` element represents depending on whether it has an ``href`` attribute. Then it gives an example to demonstrate a case where it makes sense to omit the ``href`` attribute, to support the previous statement. Examples are non-normative; they cannot contain any requirements. It ought to be possible to remove all examples from a specification without changing the meaning of the specification. Note '''' A note is a type of prose used to further expand on something with making a statement of fact. Notes are typically styled differently than statements of fact. For example: Note: The ``href`` attribute on ``a`` and ``area`` elements is not required; when those elements do not have ``href`` attributes they do not create hyperlinks. In this example we are explaining that an ``href`` attribute is not necessary to have a valid anchor tag. Notes are non-normative; they cannot not contain any requirements. It ought to be possible to remove all notes from a specification without changing the meaning of the specification. Warning ''''''' A warning is a piece of prose that calls out a specified technology that has dangerous potential implications for web compatibility, security, user privacy, or similar. For example: Warning: This algorithm is intended to mitigate security dangers involved in downloading files from untrusted sites, and user agents are strongly urged to follow it. In this example we see a warning that comes after the algorithm for downloading a hyperlink. That algorithm has steps in it to protect users, this warning encourages implementers to follow them. Warnings are normative and can contain requirements. Issue ''''' An issue is like a to-do for a spec editor. It also notifies readers that a problem is known. It identifies a part of the spec that still needs fleshing out or remediation because of other issues. For example: Issue: As explained in issue #1130 the use of a browsing context as source might not be the correct architecture. This links to an issue report in the specification's issue tracker and suggests that this part of the specification may be incorrect. How to Write Spec Prose ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here are some tips for writing good specification text. Normative and non-normative ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' From the building blocks discussed earlier, it is useful to differentiate between the things that are normative from the things that are non-normative. The normative things are requirements, and everything that are tied to requirements (conformance classes, algorithms, definitions). Non-normative things are everything else. The normative parts represent what test cases need to test and what implementations have to do. Therefore, make sure that the thing you want to specify behaves as intended as a result of the requirements you specify. Any examples, notes, and statements of fact only serve to make the specification easier to understand. If a feature is defined only by statements of fact and examples, and no requirements, then it is technically not defined. Avoid ambiguity ''''''''''''''' A specification needs to be unambiguous in its requirements and algorithms so that people can build conforming and interoperable implementations. When possible, express your intention in terms of an algorithm. Writing an algorithm usually reduces ambiguity compared to stating requirements based on specific cases. It is possible to reason that an algorithm covers 100% of possible cases and an algorithm inherently states the order in which things are required to happen. For example, the specification for the DOM ``createElementNS()`` method as `defined in the (superseded) DOM Level 3 Core specification `__ states that some things cause an exception to be thrown: ``INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR``: Raised if the specified ``qualifiedName`` is not an XML name according to the XML version in use specified in the ``Document.xmlVersion`` attribute. ``NAMESPACE_ERR``: Raised if the ``qualifiedName`` is a malformed qualified name, if the ``qualifiedName`` has a prefix and the ``namespaceURI`` is null, or if the ``qualifiedName`` has a prefix that is "xml" and the ``namespaceURI`` is different from "````" [XML Namespaces], or if the ``qualifiedName`` or its prefix is "xmlns" and the ``namespaceURI`` is different from "````", or if the ``namespaceURI`` is "````" and neither the ``qualifiedName`` nor its prefix is "xmlns". If a case matches both the criteria for ``INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR`` and ``NAMESPACE_ERR``, it is ambiguous which exception is expected be thrown. `In the current DOM Standard `__, this is unambiguous by the use of an algorithm, where it is clear that the check for ``InvalidCharacterError`` comes before the checks for ``NamespaceError``. A good way to reduce ambiguity is to write specification prose in terms of the `Infra Standard `__. This standard lays the groundwork for other standards. Similar to how a programming language provides a standard library, the Infra Standard defines terminology for algorithms, defines data types and related operations. This results in specifications that are well-defined, unambiguous, and have a clear mapping to an implementation. For example, the DOM Standard is written in terms of the Infra Standard. Testing ~~~~~~~ Tests are one way software maintainers verify the correctness of their work. They can alert maintainers about bugs (that is, when new tests are added which their project does not pass). That's particularly helpful on the web, where different implementations share the same tests and review each other's results. Maintainers prioritize fixing the problems that are unique to their project because those represent interoperability challenges for web developers. Separately, tests can also help maintainers avoid making mistakes (that is, when they are changing code, and their change causes a new failure). Even if your contribution doesn't involve changing code directly, it may still be appropriate to write tests. If you're helping to fix a browser which doesn't follow an instruction in some specification, then you probably need to add some tests to the standard test suite. Be sure to review the existing tests, though; it may be that someone has already written a test for the bug that you've found! If you're changing the normative text in a specification, then it's likely that the test suite has tests for the "old" behavior. In that case, you'll need to update the tests so they are consistent with the change you're making. It's also possible that the test suite is missing tests for the behavior you're changing. In that case, you'll need to write brand new tests from scratch! Many kinds of contributions won't involve tests. If you're still unsure about whether you ought to be working with tests, :doc:`there are plenty of people who can help you decide `. If you *do* find yourself writing tests, try to be thorough. Think about the ways people might misinterpret the specification, and write tests that would show them their mistake. The process of writing tests varies greatly between the various test suites. You can learn all the technical details from each suite's documentation. Here are the test suites for the web platform: - `the web-platform-tests `__ - `Test262 `__ - `the WebGL test suite `__ - `the WASM test suite `__ Filing bugs on a Browser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Browser implementers are more likely to implement a proposed change if there is a bug reported for the change in their bug tracker. Therefore, filing a bug for each browser engine that has incorrect behavior is an important step. Here are links for filing a new bug for each major browser engine: - `Gecko `__ - `WebKit `__ - `Chromium `__ Before filing a bug, search the bug tracker if there is already a bug filed for the same thing. If you find one, you can add a comment to that bug instead of filing a new bug. If you can't find anything, or if you find something that is related but not exactly the same bug, then file a new bug. Don't worry if your bug gets marked as a duplicate, that is common and not a big deal. The default template typically asks for steps to reproduce, on the assumption that the bug report needs reproduction and debugging of the browser to understand what the actual bug is. For bugs asking to implement a specification change, it might not always add clarity with reproduction steps. If you have a specification issue that explains the problem, and a pull request (PR) for a proposed specification change and a PR for a web-platform-tests test case, then the browser bug can often briefly explain the problem and then link to the relevant specification issue and the PRs. Make sure to write a clear summary of the bug. Briefly but clearly say what the bug is. Here are some good examples: - `Change DOMQuad bounds to getBounds() as per specification `__ - `Remove \ `__ - `fieldset should have min-inline-size instead of min-width in UA stylesheet `__ - `innerHTML serialization for javascript: URL attribute doesn't conform to the specification `__ When you have filed browser bugs, link to them from the specification PR.